Teil 5 meiner KI-unterstützten Youtube-Serie zur Geschichte beschäftigt sich mit dem Übergang von der Heian- zur Kamakura-Zeit; also mit den legendären Kämpfen der Taira und der Minamoto.

Mein Prompt-Auftrag für ChatGPT 4o lautete:

From the 8th to 11th centuries, Japanese warriors fight against the Emishi troops in the Northeast of the island of Honshū and expand the realm of Japan. This leads to the rise of the warrior clans, particularly the Taira and the Minamoto whose clans are competing for power at the imperial court at Kyōto and finally start fighting against each other. But during their brutal wars, the commoners seek consolation in new Buddhist groups which adorn the Lotos sutra or practice Zen Buddhism. Led by Yoritomo, the Minamoto defeat the Taira, take over the imperial court, and destroy the quasi independent rule of the Fujiwara at Hiraizumi. Yoritomo becomes the first shogun. But after his death, his two sons are killed. Create a song about these events in the style of a ballad that is based on a feeling of vanity, a longing for peace and redemption.

Die Musik stammt wieder von Suno. Hier das Ergebnis (bitte Untertitel einschalten, um den Text zu sehen):

Das Beitragsbild ist einem Zen-Tempel in Kamakura nachempfunden und wurde von ChatGPT 4o erzeugt.