Teil 2 meiner Youtube-Serie zur Geschichte Japans behandelt die Yayoi-Zeit. Hier ist der Prompt, mit dem ich ChatGPT 4o beauftragt habe, den Text zu schreiben:

Please create a song in the style of K-Pop about the Japanese neolithic Yayoi culture. It was the first Japanese culture that relied on the production of rice on paddy fields. Its members were migrants from the Asian continent. They were using bronze mirrors and bells for ritual purposes which they imported from the continent. They buried their chieftains in huge dolmens. This song should take the perspective of a young couple that, while looking at a splendid bronze mirror, sentimentally reflect on the lost lands of their continental ancestors but also are confident to make this new promised land their home by tilling the soil and planting the wonderful, golden rice. The rhythm should be like a song to be sung while working on the paddy fields. 

Hier ist das Ergebnis (bitte Untertitel einschalten, um den Text zu sehen):